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CSS Firm is no longer accepting new Stryker LFIT V40 Hip Implant Claims. Any information on this page or website is for educational purposes only. 

Last week Childers, Schlueter & Smith, LLC published the Australian Health Hazard alert regarding the Stryker LFIT  V40 Femoral head.  CSS Firm has learned a list of affected lot numbers that includes hundreds of Lot and Item Numbers by Stryker. This list shows seven catalogue numbers from size 36 through 44 cobalt/chrome metal heads. This notice is not related to the alumina or ceramic heads.

Reason for the Voluntary Recall:

Stryker has received higher than expected complaints of taper lock failure for specific lots of the following certain sizes of LFIT Anatomic CoCr V4·0TM Femoral Heads manufactured prior to 2011.

Catalog Number Head Diameter Offset
6260-9-236 36mm +5
6260-9-240 40mm +4
6260-9-244 44mm +4
6260-9-340 40mm +8
6260·9-440 40mm +12
6260-9-344 44mm +8
6260-9-444 44mm +12

These recalled Stryker hip implant femoral heads are known to be utilized on both Accolade TMZF and Accolade 2 stems as well as Meridian and Citation stems.  Pictures of these stems, as shown on the website of Stryker are as follows:







Potential Hazards may include

  1. Disassociation of femoral head from hip stem
  2. Fractured hip stem trunnion
  3. Excessive metallic debris
  4. Insufficient ROM
  5. Insufficient soft tissue tension
  6. Noise
  7. Loss of implant: bone fixation strength
  8. Excessive wear debris (polymeric)
  9. Implant construct with a shortened neck length

Stryker has yet to acknowledge if this is isolated to a discovered manufacturing defect or if this is related to a design issue that was present in 2011 (or sometime prior).  Many physicians have reported on widely known failures similar to the Rejuvenate and ABGII recall that occurred in June 2012 and have also reported since that time similar failures with the V40 Cobalt (CO)/Chrome head (CR) when matched with the early version of the Accolade stem that was made of the TMZF metal alloy (TITANIUM, MOLYBDENUM, ZIRCONIUM and IRON).

It has been suggested by some physicians treating and correcting Stryker hip implant failures, that the TMZF alloy in the recalled Rejuvenate and ABGII may be the common denominator on the Accolade stem too. As more information is learned and disclosed it will be updated on our website.  Stay tuned….

Given the our work on previous Stryker Hip Implant Recalls, we know a lot about Stryker and their products. For this reason and others, Childers Schlueter & Smith is now investigating and pursuing Stryker LFIT  V40 Femoral head claims commonly found in the following stems: Accolade TMZF; Accolade 2 stems; Meridian stems; and Citation stems manufactured from 2009-2012. If you have questions about your hip implant system, please call our Stryker Hip Implant Lawyers at 1-800-641-0098 or send us a confidential message.

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