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Kraft Foods Inc. announced October 3 that it was recalling Baker’s Premium White Chocolate distributed across the nation because it may be contaminated with salmonella. The problem came to light after FDA inspectors found the presence of salmonella in some 6-oz. packages.

The company said the recalled product is in 6-ounce packages with UPC Code 0043000252200 and the following “best when used by” dates: 31 MAR 2008 XCZ, 01 APR 2008 XCZ, 02 APR 2008 XCZ, 03 APR 2008 XCZ.

Around 24,000 cases of the product being recalled were distributed. Other cases were stopped before distribution. So far Kraft has not received any reports of illness. The company is investigating the source of the problem.

Salmonella is the most common source of food poisoning. Salmonellosis exhibits flu-like symptoms including, but not limited to, diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps. Symptoms usually begin 12-72 hours after infection, and typically last 4-7 days.

For more information on this subject, please refer to our section on Defective and Dangerous Products.

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