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According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, federal officials and vaccine makers are going to be immune from lawsuits that result from any new swine flu vaccines. This comes from a document signed by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius.

Think back to the last time the government went on a major vaccine campaign against a new swine flu. There were thousands filed where people claimed they suffered side effects from shots. Now, the government is getting a head start to prevent this. The government has protected vaccine makers against lawsuits when they were for the use of childhood vaccines since the 1980s.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Swine Flu has caused about 263 deaths so far. “But those are people who sought health care. It’s likely that more than 1 million Americans have been sickened by the flu, many with mild cases.”

The regular winter flu vaccine has been approved by the FDA this past Friday. The government has not faced a new swine flu virus since 1976.

What are you feelings about this move to protect the makers of new vaccines for swine flu?

One Comment

  1. Gravatar for Cherokee Princess
    Cherokee Princess

    If your product hurts someone, you should pay, it's as simple as that. Giving these guys immunity from legal consequences invites all kinds of shenanigans! They don't have to be as careful or cautious if no one can touch them!

    I've never had a flu shot and never had the flu. On the flip side, my sister gets the flu EVERY TIME she gets a shot.

    I think this is all hyped. Supposedly 36,000 people per year in this country die of regular flu. How many of swine flu, a couple hundred so far?

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