The Fatal Fifteen is a list of states that rank the highest in the country for accidents with impaired drivers at the wheel. The list is complied by a group called End Need Less Death On Our Roadways (END) and is made up mostly physicians who actively seek to reduce the number of impaired drivers on our country’s roads. According to the list, Georgia ranks near the very bottom with a incidence rate of 31.52%. Washington DC was first with 54.17% followed by Hawaii (50.71%), Rhode Island (49.43%) and Montana (49.40%). While it is good news for Georgians that the state ranks at the bottom in this list, the incidence rate of 31.52% is way to high given the deadly consequences that occur when people drive while impaired. Stronger DUI laws and public awareness could help to reduce this number down even more.
A partner with Childers, Schlueter & Smith, LLC,, Brandon Smith has devoted his practice to pharmaceutical litigation, mass torts, products liability and serious personal injury. A frequent guest speaker at legal seminars all over the country—Brandon is focused on helping injured victims nationwide, however possible. Named a SuperLawyer again in 2019, he has also been called out as one of 10 Best Attorneys For Georgia by the American Institute Of Personal Injury Attorneys and a Top 100 Lawyer in Georgia by the National Trial Lawyers in 2019.
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