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Georgia State Representative Ed Ryders has now found himself in a precarious situation and the sad thing is he did not even really do anything to deserve it. The main reason he has made headlines all over Georgia recently is because he handed out jars of peanut butter to friends and colleagues that were among those recently recalled due to the salmonella outbreak. The Albany Republican who affectionately calls his region the “peanut capital of Georgia” however did not know about the peanut butter salmonella outbreak at the time he gave out the jars. He has since that time encouraged those who received a part of his modest gesture to discard the contaminated jars of peanut butter with a promise to make up for the mistake.

According to

State Rep. Ed Rynders, who represents a southwest Georgia region he calls the “peanut capital of Georgia” went to the well of the Georgia House to tell lawmakers and lobbyists to discard the peanut butter jars he recently gave them.

“Make sure you’ve discarded it,” warned Rynders,…”We’re going to get you some good peanut butter and make sure you’re done right.”

The exact cause of the peanut butter contamination is still under investigation by the FDA who has shut the responsible ConAgra manufacturing plant down temporarily. As more information becomes availiable on the recall I will surely post more on the topic.

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