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The Mansfield News Journal recently reported that two women from Mansfield, Georgia were taken into a Georgia Hospital for medical treatment after a car accident occurred this past Saturday morning.

The women were Michelle Jarvis and Priscilla Roe. They were driving in their 2002 Ford Explorer and swerved to avoid a car that pulled in front of them when entering the median. The car struck a mud hole and skidded 30 yards.

Both women were taken to Floyd Medical Center because they had complaints of back pain. On Saturday they were treated and released.

Do you know what do to if you are in a car accident? As our past post discussed, here is what you need to know if you are in a car accident:

Immediately call the police. When the police arrive, they know exactly what to do. The police will also create a police report after interviewing all witnesses and determining who is at fault.

Make sure everyone else is safe.

Gather information. You must get the other driver’s information such as the vehicle’s VIN number, insurance information, and license plate number.

Seek medical attention/help. Car accidents can cause serious injuries, even injuries that do not arise until much later after the car accident. It is important to see a doctor to evaluate your condition.

If you have a camera, take pictures of the cars involved in the accident.

Call/seek an attorney.

According to Ezine articles, there are several things you MUST not do after you are in a car accident:

Admit fault; leave the scene; wait for insurance companies to contact you or take too much time to call an attorney; sign anything without knowing what the papers say or means.

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