In a tragic situation, a 4-year-old girl, Johnnie Collins, was recently killed after her father accidentally ran over her in his pickup truck in Goose Creek, South Carolina. According to authorities, the father, Dirk Collins, was moving his truck in preparation of other family members coming over to the residence for a family event. Although it is believed the pedestrian accident was a complete accident and no charges have been yet filed, the Department of Motor Vehicles said Collins had an extensive driving record and should not have been driving the vehicle at all. Collins, according to the DMV, had over 20 license suspicions stemming from some 18 violations and citations.
It will be interesting to see how officials handle this situation. On the one hand, it is undisputed by all that the father never intended to hurt his daughter and that this incident was a complete accident. On the other, however, a life has now been lost by an unlicensed driver who was not paying attention to where he was driving his vehicle. Usually in situations like this, whether we agree with it or not, at least some form of charges are filled in an accident where a death results.
A partner with Childers, Schlueter & Smith, LLC,, Brandon Smith has devoted his practice to pharmaceutical litigation, mass torts, products liability and serious personal injury. A frequent guest speaker at legal seminars all over the country—Brandon is focused on helping injured victims nationwide, however possible. Named a SuperLawyer again in 2019, he has also been called out as one of 10 Best Attorneys For Georgia by the American Institute Of Personal Injury Attorneys and a Top 100 Lawyer in Georgia by the National Trial Lawyers in 2019.
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