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Driver in auto accident flees the scene to avoid liability for his actions in Gainesville, Georgia according to police. According to Sgt. Shawn Welsh, the driver of the other vehicle struck in the auto accident was ejected from his vehicle and is currently recovering from his serious yet stable injuries after being taken to Northeast Georgia Medical Center. The accident occurred on Jesse Jewell Parkway at Dorsey in Gainesville and an investigation concerning the identity of the fleeing driver is still underway.

From my former days as a prosecutor, when someone flees from the scene of the accident, I, like all law enforcement, know the driver most likely has something he wants to hide. Whether it be the fact that he was drinking, has outstanding arrest warrants, and/or has a suspended license, normal people do not leave the scene of an accident-especially when they are serious injuries that result. These unknown factors can have an immense impact on the civil lawsuit filed against such reckless drivers when the time comes for them for face the facts of what they has done. One of our personal injury attorneys can tell you how as soon as you are ready to find out.

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