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Until recently, most, including the Food and Drug Administration, have not really discussed any safety concerns associated with any contact lens solutions aside from the recently recalled ReNu with MoistureLoc, manufactured by Bausch & Lomb, which has been linked to serious eye infections that can ultimately lead to blindness. That however may be about to change.

Accodring to The Wall Street Journal:

The (ReNu) recall caused some alarm, but consumers largely just switched to one of the many other multipurpose products available. Now, however, recent revelations are suggesting that the entire category of multipurpose solutions might pose a risk of infections. Studies have found problems with multipurpose solutions besides ReNu with MoistureLoc, and the Food and Drug Administration, which regulates the solutions, is re-evaluating its testing methods.

For more informtion on the saftey of a claim involving ReNu with moistureLoc or on some other contacts lens solution contact a personal injury attorney today.

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