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There comes a time when many of us will need to evaluate the living needs of our parents. In some situations, our parents will need to be placed in a nursing home.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution offers advice from on a beginner’s guide to nursing homes.

The first step is to evaluate what type of nursing home your parent should be placed in. If your parent has a type of medical condition requiring continuous monitoring, a skilled nursing home is suitable. However, if your parent’s needs are for help with activities of daily living, an intermediate facility is suitable. There are some facilities that have both of these options. If you are unsure of exactly what your parent needs, each of these places have people who can evaluate your parent and his or her specific needs to “find the right level of care.”

After determining your parent’s needs, then you want to narrow down the nursing homes choices.

Then you want to check the nursing home’s reports—those that you have narrowed down. Every nursing home should have copies of state licensing reports on-site because they are required to keep copies and show them upon request.

You may also consider spending time with your parent at the nursing home before making it permanent.

For additional advice, check out the website.

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