PAGCL stands for Postarthroscopic Glenhumeral Chondrolysis. PAGCL is a condition caused by the deterioration of cartilage around the shoulder area.
Recent studies have suggested the use of pain pumps implanted in the shoulder during surgery are linked to the development of PAGCL.
Please see our past blog on Pain Pumps Found to Lead to Permanent Shoulder Cartilage Damage.
According to Resource For the People, pain pumps are commonly used in the medical field as a solution for pain management. These pain pumps are used in arthroscopic surgery (designed to be less encompassing of the human body) that consists of two incisions. This procedure is quicker and the pain treatment and surgery is less complicated.
Although quicker and less painful, the use of these pain pumps suggests a correlation to PAGCL condition. This is a condition that is suggested to be irreversible. The only solution is to have another shoulder replacement surgery.
What should you do if you have developed PAGCL?
You need to consult your doctor immediately. Your doctor can recommend medication and the next steps to handle this condition. Additionally, you may want to consider contacting the attorneys at Childers, Buck, and Schlueter to see how they can help protect your legal rights.
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