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USA Today reports that researchers at Wake Forest University of Medicine reviewed 10 previous drug trials and found for every 20 women in their 70s with type 2 diabetes who took the brand name Avandia, called thiazolidinediones-rosiglitgizone and pioglitazone, brand name Actos, for at least one year, one of them has the possibility of suffering a fracture. For women in their mid-50s, the possibility is equal to one fracture in every 55 women.

The research from Wake Forest University of Medicine is online at the Canadian Medical Association Journal this week.

“There’s not a single drug that has no consequence. I mean, insulin can kill people from hypoglycemia, and yet it’s widely recognized to be of benefit to people with diabetes,” John Buse, president of medicine and science for the American Diabetes Association and medical professor at the University of North Carolina-Hill, said. USA reports that Avandia has been shown to increase the risk of heart.

There are drugs that are on the market which are dangerous.

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