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Ortho Evra, a widely prescribed birth-control patch manufactured by Johnson & Johnson, recently changed its warning label to reflect an increased risk of blood clots in women’s legs and lungs as opposed to those who use the pill.

According to

The investigation by The Associated Press found that patch users die and suffer blood clots at a rate three times higher than women taking the pill. About a dozen women died in 2004 from blood clots believed linked to use of the patch, the AP reported. Dozens more suffered strokes and other clot-linked problems.

Health officials warn that women who smoke should not use the patch, since smoking increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

This information, although suspected by many in the medical profession, has been suppressed by the giant drug manufacture for years now in order to keep sales high. Now that the risks of blood clots have been documented through clinical studies and published to the public, I expect many other cases involving Ortho Evra will be filed in order seek redress for the devastating injuries this patch has caused so many women around the world.

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