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A Clayton County State Court jury just warded $4.2 million to Katoria Lee, who was shoot at a local Wal-Mart. Lee, who stopped by the local retail giant on March 8, 2001, was approached by a gunman as she was exiting the store around 1:30AM. The gunman demanded her keys and stole her vehicle shortly after shooting her in the back. Lee’s complaint alleged Wal-Mart provided inadequate security despite notice of over 398 visits by the police in the 20 months prior to this shooting.

According to the

“That should have been sufficient to put Wal-Mart on notice that crimes were being committed there,” said Lance Cooper, Lee’s lawyer. “Also Wal-Mart had a policy to have security patrols but chose to not put them into place at that store.”

Cooper said Wal-Mart officials also destroyed a surveillance videotape of the attack after Riggins was convicted.

Crimes committed at dangerous retail stores and apartment complexes are a growing concern for many patrons and renters. In many instances, they are ways to prevent such crimes and resulting injuries, but the store or complex may have simply chose not to for one reason or another. If you or a loved one feels that you have unfairly been a victim of crime at a dangerous retail store or apartment complex, contact one of our attorneys immediately to protect your rights.

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